duminică, 6 decembrie 2009

De la Cosmin: Vreau

Vreau sa fiu inceputul si departe de sfarsit. Sa stiu secretul inainte de a mi-l sopti. Sa fiu zambetul, sa fiu dimineata de iarna si fulgul ce ramane atarnat de buze. Vreau sa cunosc viata si clipele ei. Atunci cand sunt departe sa imi doresc apropierea, atunci cand sunt aproape sa imi doresc sa fiu un atom pierdut in toate celelalte. Vreau sa fiu ploaia din furtuna ta, sa fiu nisipul ce alinta talpa in fiecare vara, valul ce se asterne in privirea aceea.

Vreau sa fiu acolo dupa ce drumul s-a terminat.

City objects snapshots. Nothing urban in Sighisoara

Eine Stadt, wie Sie nie vor gesehen haben. Und seine Objekte.

Nothing urban in Sighisoara in deed.

Contemporary people carrying on their lives in an ancient fort. Decorating windows enclosed in century- old buldings for contemporary Christmas holiday. A guy asking us for 1 leu to buy a drink in one of the several pubs in the city. Taking secret and indiscreet snapshots through houses’ windows, to catch a glimpse of lives and the evening flavor of some strangers I would never meet and never get to know. Polite indiscretions and respectful flash shots sound on empty squared- stones streets, tight in width and deep in their mystery.

Tourists, a few. Japanese, as they are every where. A bunch of southern Romanians, loud and naughty, I suppose Bucharest- people. Lights, window lamps, TV light coming out from that wonderful windows. Buildings still standing up against the history, updating the 1600 – built inscriptions with more accurate nowadays commercial advertising inscriptions. A secret hotel, expensive and hidden among the old entrances. I was told that its gates hide wonderful accommodation and customized interior designed- rooms, on different history decades. For EUR 150 per night. Sighisoara has its luxury coming at price.

Stillness on Sighisoara’s narrow streets at night. Only water drops falling from the houses’ roofs on the street stones. Only the steps of trespassers. Or the dumb laugh of southern- come tourists. Taking pictures contre jour with their commercial street-corner bought photocameras. The ultimate fashion victims, struggling to go upstairs on the ancient School stairway on high heels. Nevermind them at all. Sighisoara tolerates whatever, for centuries. And still standing there, for us, to enjoy, and protect with the tenderness for the old beautiful fort lady.

Eine Stadt, wie Sie nie vor gesehen haben